I used to love wandering the baby food aisles in Japanese grocery stores. There was always an interesting assortment of fish and veggies that would never make into American baby food and there were the baby rice crackers that both of my kids loved. Since my kids are now way past the baby food stage, it hadn't even entered my mind to peruse the Italian baby food aisle until a recent food conversation at a baby shower revealed that it might be worth a peek. And what an interesting peek: ostrich, rabbit, and horse!
keep tabs for us!
Horse is a common menu item in these parts; it can be difficult to avoid as it has a host of names, the least common of which seems to be "cavallo."
What and how they feed their babies and tots is quite different. Though these jars of food do line the shelves, several Italian moms that I know don't touch them and opt to make the food themselves. They do, however, use the baby pasta! Did you see that?
I can't wait to see what they have in Bulgaria. And camping! We were right there with you. I can't wait until we're REALLY there on our camp/road trip. As for laundry- stop folding! I haven't folded a thing in almost 10 years. We have mostly hangers, each kid has a drawer for jammies/unders/socks and one for shorts, pants. Shirts get hung. Bill and I do the same. I must say I have a lot of domestic 'issues' but there's never a pile of clean laundry in the house!
Wow. That is something. So different for us Americans. Great find, very interesting.
That is really nice to hear. thank you for the update and good luck. instapotguide.org
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