The last time I remember seeing snow in Louisiana was in 1988. I was fifteen. It was pretty exciting, but my first snow experience was even more memorable. My parents took us to the airport to watch the planes, but then they surprised us by getting in the line to board a plane headed to Cleveland,Ohio. Now I don't usually hear people talking about Cleveland as their top travel destination, but Cleveland will always be a magical place in my mind. We stayed in a fancy old hotel downtown. Went to some great museums. My dad was excited to see his friend's exhibit and I was excited to see Lucy. But the biggest highlight was the snow.
Our snow experience this morning was pretty short lived (it is already melted and turned to rain), but it was still a wonderful surprise. Noah has been begging to see snow so it was nice to see his wish come true. I have been struggling to get into the holiday spirit this year but I have to admit that waking up to discover snow was pretty thrilling and sharing it with my children was pure joy.
Wow!!! What a gift!
I so miss the snow. It really does make everything magical. How wonderful for Noah.
I remember the winter my mom moved down from MASS and we had snow here in FL. It was like a dream.
How smart of you to get pictures before it melted. :-)
I remember one year my Mom came to NOLA for Christmas and we went to mass at the cathedral downtown. When we came outside it was snowing. By the time we got to my brother's in uptown it had stopped and he refused to believe us! But I'll always remember seeing snow on Royal Street if only for a few fleeting moments!
I remember when we lived in Arkansas that snow was a HUGE deal. Not just for the kids, but for the town as well. (How much has shut down down there??) Enjoy it while you have it. (I always like snow better when it's fleeting.)
lovely! and impressive that you all went out to enjoy it. probably will be a great memory for Noah
January book is Forever Lily (that we put off last summer). We are picking for the months after that on Saturday, I by all means, send me suggestions!
Have you read Kimchi and Calamari? It's a middle school aged book - but a great 'from the perspective of the child' story!
That's so magical! How lovely, especially considering the rarity of such precipitation!
I never saw snow actually fall until I was here in Nashville picking out what would be our first apartment with my soon-to-be hubby before our wedding. Southern California (where I grew up) has snowy mountains, but we lived on the coast and only enjoyed the snow after it had already fallen. All that said, it still is magical for me as an adult!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah to you! (we're Christian, but every year I talk about celebrating Hanukah, too, because it feels like our heritage as well... didn't get on it this year, either!)
I love the wonder of this experience. Your children might always remember it. So fortunate that you awoke for it! And the Cleveland story is touching - what a fun thing for your parents to have done.
We are expecting our first seasonal snow tonight - more this weekend. All sorts of plans are up in the air. But there is lots of excitement.
So, I actually heard about this storm from another friend of mine on facebook! She must live near you :) I'm so glad your kids got to see some snow!
WOW! Very cool. I'm glad they got out there.
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