As of today we have 28 days left until we leave Okinawa. We have 16 days until we close on our house and officially become homeowners. We have 20 days until we start remodeling the kitchen (crazy isn't it to remodel a kitchen while living overseas and never stepping foot in it before?!...but I would just rather not deal with a big renovation with two monkeys in the house, especially the monkey girl who is getting very mobile!) We have 28 days until we get to introduce Camille to Adam's family for the first time. We have 35 days until Noah starts his new preschool in Jacksonville. The reality of all the upcoming changes really hit me on Monday when the movers came to pick up our final shipment. I am trying to remain calm while also dealing with the very mixed up emotions of sadness about leaving, excitement about returning to the States, and dread that we will continue to live in limbo and out of suitcases for another couple of months. Camille and Hayden (Camille's first love and our sweet little neighbor) watched the movers with complete fascination and perhaps a little fear...those guys move fast and furious.
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