Merry Messy Christmas!

December 24, 2006

This is a photo of the holiday treats Noah and I made to give our neighbors. It started out as a fun morning project. Noah loves to work in the kitchen and it has become something we enjoy doing together (never thought I would enjoy being in the kitchen but doing simple baking projects with Noah is fun... messy, but fun!). All was going well. We were listening to the Muppets Christmas favorite holiday music as a kid and dancing around between decorating the candies. After I took them out of the oven I put them on top of the refrigerator to cool. I did this to keep Noah, aka Chocoholic Monkey Boy from getting them. The trouble started a few minutes later when I opened the refrigerator and the chocolates came pouring down on top of me. Within seconds Noah and Camille were frantically gobbling up candy we had made. So we had to start all over again. I reached in the cupboard for the family sized bag of M and Ms and they came spilling down on me (we were all so covered in chocolate by the end of the day we could have been extras in the Willie Wonka Movie!). Once again Noah and Camille hit the floor to ingest more sugar. At this point I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...was this some sort of message from the Gods saying the sweets were doomed or merely another example of how "un-domestic" and clumsy I am? Our morning of holiday cheer and mommy/son bonding time had now turned into a very messy and out of control situation...believe me you do not want to experience two young children on extreme loads of sugar. I am proud to say we persevered (thanks for talking me through it, Jessica!) and we were able to produce some yummy treats. And in keeping with the sweet theme, today I discovered a little stash of chocolate in Camille's room. Noah confessed to hiding in her room to get his "fix" with some of the brownies our neighbor gave us as a holiday gift.

Hope you all have a sweet and yummy Christmas!
Anonymous said...

those are my favorite! noah did a super job of pressing the m&m's on top of the hershey kisses. i can see you all now and it makes me smile:) and you're right-sometimes you just have to laugh and enjoy the sweet times of having small children. hang in there, lucia. some very lucky person will be blessed by your friendship(as i am)and you two will just "click". God has plan for you and it will unfold in his perfect time. we love you and pray that we will see you soon in 2007. love to all! love you and miss you, jill and family

Ann said...

that is so funny. And those treats look so good, you're going to have to give me the recipe so I can make those next year. I hope you had a wonderful holiday.

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