The Joy of Reading

October 2, 2009

Just heard this on NPR and had to share it. A great story to start the morning: how a reader got his start and what some special librarians did to foster his newly discovered love of reading. I can't imagine life without reading. It's like breathing to me. Inhaling and exhaling words and worlds. A daily necessity. I feel so lucky to have been surrounded by readers, librarians, and books from a very early age. I think that's why this story struck a chord with me.

Speaking of books and reading: what's on your list for this Fall?

I am looking forward to Neither Here nor There, Handmade Home, Catching Fire, Trail of Crumbs, The Leopard, and as always I am eager to hear your suggestions.
South of Rome said...

I'm hoping for Handmade Home as a little gift to myself! I hope it lives up to expectation!! Also, the Leopard is my favorite book of all time, I think. Esp good if read while in Sicily!!! You start to see the Leopard everywhere you go. Have you read any Giovanni Verga yet? I liked I Malavoglia (I think it takes place in the Aci Reale area) and also Cavalleria Rusticana (a bunch of short stories) most take place in the area around Caltagirone. If you make it to Mineo be sure to visit the house of Luigi Capuana. You can look him up. He was in the same group as Verga and is important to the Sicilian lit scene. Right now I'm reading "The Last Ember" it's sort of Dan Brown like, takes place in Rome with lots of chases, archeaology, and religion. Sort of a fun read if you know the city.

Emily said...

oh, thanks for the link! i'm looking forward to listening this evening once the kiddos are in bed. but had to say first--CATCHING FIRE!!! i can't wait to read this one. =) unfortunately i am probably not reading any new books until christmas. need to do a little cutback on book buying. have i said before that not having a library is the number one hardest thing about living here for me (i feel the same about reading as you)? i think i'm a broken record on that point...

anyway, i'll just be doing some rereading until then. at the moment the Hungry City Chronicles (if you like Catching Fire, you just might like that series).

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Karen, do you have The Creative Family? If you don't, treat yourself to that little gem, too. Like you, I am hoping Handmade Home is good. Thanks for the Sicilian lit tips.

Emily, lets figure out some way to do a book swap. I can't imagine how you survive without access to a library or the mail system that we have. Thanks for the series recommendation. Adam and I read Hunger Games last year. I think there will be a fight to see who gets to read Catching Fire first.

morninglight mama said...

Thanks so much for sharing that-- what a great story. (SC is just so awesome, isn't it??)

I believe you know how I feel about reading, right? :) I have a couple of middle grade/YA novels waiting for me, along with a big old stack of other review books, but I'm really looking forward to reading My Prison, My Home- Haleh Esfandiari's new memoir about being held in Iran. A very good friend is a colleague of hers, and when she was detained, he kept us informed about her situation. What an incredible story.

stacy kadesh said...

I am reading Shadow of the Wind right now and it is great! Hope you are having fun with Nana and Poobah!!!

Unknown said...

I heard the same thing on the NPR and it brought a huge smile to my face,as well!:) How are you guys doing? I love looking at your blog. Kiss the kids!

Jen@TwoKidsandaMap said...

I really like Neither Here nor There but I must admit my all time favorite was A Walk in the Woods!

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