Day 127

November 11, 2008

Finally some good news to share. We found out that next summer we will be moving to Sicily, Italy! This exciting news should help me survive the final months of this deployment...daydreaming about European adventures, Italian delicacies, and the thrill of living overseas again. This is one of my favorite "stages" in the military wife cycle. This is the stage of anticipation and research. We finally move out of the limbo of not knowing where we will spend the next three years and move into excitement and preparation. Still too early to have to deal with all of the realities and stress of moving/PCSing, but not too early to start imagining all of the good things ahead. It's also the stage that prompts us to start doing all of the things we had planned on doing/seeing in our current duty station. This time it is especially bittersweet because the kids and I are in Louisiana with my family and it is sad to think that in the coming three years we won't be able to see our families as much (although we really hope we have lots of visitors...get those passports ready!). It means we will be making the most of this family time together.

Ever since we started this crazy life in the military, we have been hoping to get orders to Europe. Adam and I both lived/studied in Europe during our college/high school years but we haven't been back since that time and we have often fantasized about returning with the kids. I will be keeping my fingers crossed until we actually land in Italy. It is the military and things can always change. But for now I am enjoying the thrill of European daydreams. I have been following Karen's blog for awhile, but will now be studying it and anticipating her upcoming book. I have already put a couple of books on hold at the library and spent way too much time on-line looking at things like this and
this and this.

In terms of deployment, things are continuing to move along. Feels like we have more of a rhythm . Some hard days, but most are just busy and full. Adam is enjoying a small break(R & R) courtesy of the military...that means he gets to visit another base! We continue to have pretty regular contact which has been good especially in the past week while he was negotiating our orders for Italy. When we are finally all home together, we will have lots to celebrate before the work of moving begins.

And Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all who have and who currently serve.
South of Rome said...

Yay! Yay! Yay-ay! I have been doing a little dancing jig ever since I read your email!!!! You will love and adore Sicily, it is the PERFECT spot for you!!

Melissa said...

WOW! Italy! That's so cool. (I'm denying that I'm green with envy here...)

Anonymous said...

How awesome is that! I'm not denying it. I am green. Glad you got good news.


Bev said...


We will miss you here in Jacksonville but are so excited for you!!! While I was a military spouse, we lived in Puerto Rico but I always wanted to live in Europe. What a wonderful opportunity for you and the kids!! i am so jealous!!

Bev and Angel

Cami said...

WOW! How exciting! Good luck.

morninglight mama said...

Best to you guys!! This sounds amazing, and my husband will be so jealous, as Italy is his 'go to' place whenever we have those potential if-we-could-move-anywhere-where-would-it-be talks. :)

Gemelli Press said...

Cin Cin to that! I am so excited for you! Beware it will take hold of you and never let you go...I don't think I am quite over having to leave....

Anonymous said...

congratulations!!! that sounds *awesome*! :^D)

Kellie said...

I'm happy that this is good news for your family! Anticipation is so much fun!

The Solley Six said...

yay! that's right next door...well, comparatively. we are SO excited!

Laurie said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I visited Sicily a couple of summers ago and LOVED it! :-) You will have a blast. It's just gorgeous. And the food...the food...the food...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Italy is wonderful. I spent a month in Milan in high school and it was heavenly. The food, the people, they are wonderful. There was a family here from my son's school that moved to Italy last year (with four kids!) and they are loving it!
I hope it works out for you. And if you ever venture up to Germany let me know.

Mom said...

I was looking for a little diversion tonight and I immersed myself in your blog and all its links about Sicily. It is so exciting...for all of you and US too! I can';t wait to visit. I have a feeling you will have lots of company. It will be so nice for you to be able to see the Solley's. I'll have to get in touch with my friend, Grace, in NYC. She and her husband have a vacation home near Lake Como.
See you next week!!!!!

Corinne said...

OH friend. I am THRILLED for you!! What a wonderful distraction while your hubby is away - the research part would be almost as fun as the actual living there for me :)

holly b said...

wow! that IS exciting! let's hope it stays that way. : )

Dana said...

I stumbled upon your blog today through a post by the Crafty Crow -- the word "crawfish" is what made me click your link, as I am a native of South Louisiana.

How lucky for you to have this opportunity! We currently live in Northern Italy, but spent quite a bit of time in Naples as well. We haven't had the chance to live in Sicily.

My advice to you is to just to expect to live life slowly, very, very slowly. If you can do that, then you love it in Sicily.


Heather said...

How exciting! I'm more than a little late in reading this, but I just had to add my congratulations. I'd take anticipation over limbo any day, but that sounds like some extra fun anticipation.

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