A Week of Colors: Grey and Pink

March 7, 2011

Pink tissue paper flowers taped onto driftwood by Camille. Dirty dishes in the sink. Gumbo on the stove. The soft light of a grey March day coming to a close. Grey and pink in Sicily.

Jumping in a day late, I decided to join Francesca for her Week of Colors.
GBK Gwyneth said...

Oh I love the tissue paper and driftwood! We made some little cherry blossom trees from pipe cleaners, painted styrofoam ball halves and tissue paper for a Chinese dinner celebration one spring (or was it an unseasonal addition to a Chinese New Years' party?). I loved them so much I kept them up for months afterwards. But the driftwood! Wow, that is a really nice contrast!

Francesca said...

Such beautiful composition by Camille! We hardly ever get driftwood on our beaches, not sure why. Thank you for joining in Lucia!

Leslie said...

once again, so impressed by the creativity that obviously flourishes in your home. lovely pinks!

se7en said...

Just totally love it!!!

likeschocolate said...

I like Camilla's idea!

Dawn Suzette said...

Gumbo... I will be right over! ;)
Lovin' Camille's creation. Bright and perfect.

Unknown said...

Love the spring blossoms (not to mention what I imagine to be the smells of your stewing gumbo!)...hope you had a great carnevale. I will give you a call to make a plan!

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