St. Agata: By Night

February 6, 2011

Candles, lots of candles that will be carried through out the night. That also means lots of hot dripping wax and slippery streets. See those big candles in the second pic? Those big, heavy candles will be hoisted onto their backs and they will run through the streets all night long to honor St. Agata, to atone for sins, to express gratitude, and to be a part of a tradition that is hundreds of years old.  

Food. Mounds of candy, including the marzipan olives that are specific to the St. Agata festa. St. Agata cakes in the shape of her breasts (I promise to post pics of them soon). Candied nuts and nougats (third pic). Horse meat sandwiches.  And all sorts of crispy goodies like those balls of fried ricotta cheese (last pic). 

And finally, the crowds. Waiting, praying, walking, eating, pulsating, singing, and pushing to get closer. Viva St.Agata!
likeschocolate said...

Have your tried horse meat yet? I am trying to be open minded, but it just does not sound good to me or goat. I guess it is all what you are used to, but I don't think I will be bying a horse meat sandwhich any time soon.

katy said...

Fried balls of ricotta? Sounds delish!

LindyLouMac said...

i just love all these festas, it seems there is always one happening somewhere in Italy.

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