Faces of St. Agata

February 18, 2011

These are two of my favorite shots from this year's St. Agata Festa. There is the youngest candle bearer that I saw all evening. Look at him covered in wax. He was so serious, so intense and seemed wise beyond his years. And then there was the friendly,beaming man selling his homemade St. Agata statues on a rickety table on a sidewalk. He was so proud of his handiwork and really how could I pass up the Saint in all of her glittery glory? St. Agata now has a place of honor on the bookshelf in our living room.

I find myself drawn to faces these days. I have overcome some of my earlier hesitation about asking to take stranger's photographs. It's an odd and intimate exchange: stopping a stranger, chatting, peering through a lens, adjusting, taking another shot, thanking them, walking on, and later re-examining the image and remembering that moment in time with them.
katy said...

you are braver than me. Still not there yet with strangers. I do okay shooting food in the grocery store, though. Ha! Lovely pics. xo

Wanderluster said...

Great, timeless portraits!

Sonja said...

I love the little boy. He looks a little sad.

Amie from Ciao Bambino said...

As Sonja said, the little boy's photo is amazing. What a powerful look in his eyes! As always, I love your photos.

se7en said...

Quite amazing!!! Simply beautiful!!! Well done!!! Have a great weekend!!!

likeschocolate said...

I agree, you are braver than me. I always get to scared to ask.

Martha said...

On the plane coming back to Italy there was a group of nuns coming for a visit to Rome. They were beautiful, serene, calm women, who all just radiated. I am so sorry that I did not ask to take a group shot of them. They were great. So good you are asking.

Juniper said...

I like the two photos you chose to share, contrasting in so many ways. Well done for taking that step of feeling comfortable to take people's pictures , I wish I was there, so many faces especially the very old here that I would so love to photograph.
Glad you bought one of those statues, how cold you not?! Something special to remember your time in Sicily and this particular feast.

Tara Holmes said...

I think it's a beautiful personal encounter--asking a stranger to take their picture...how wonderful that you've stepped outside a comfort zone to do so (wish I had that courage!)

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