I had such high hopes for our summer garden. We started out with zucchini, tomatoes, yellow watermelons, cucumbers, beans, green beans, parsley, basil, grapes, sunflowers, and zinnias. All was going along well. We started harvesting cukes and tomatoes. We had baby watermelons growing and tons of zuchinni blooms. And then we took our trip to England in what turned out to be a time of record setting temperatures. Thank goodness I hired one of our babysitters to water while we were gone, but sadly it still wasn't quite enough. Things were pretty fried when we got back. And then things continued to go wrong. Adam accidentally cut down the watermelon vines and the cukes while weed whacking and in a cruel development the access to our back yard was cut off last week due some exterior painting. And so our summer garden has taken a serious beating. Happily we still have tomatoes. Lots of red, juicy jewels which seem to keep going despite all of the set-backs. Thank goodness for tomatoes. Perhaps that's all we'll plant next summer. Headed out the door to water, prune, and try to coax some our other plants back to life. What's growing in your garden this summer?
I have just started my garden and have lots to learn!! So far I have managed to grow zucchini as a trial. I will now check out at the garden centre what more I can grow and when. :)
Those tomatoes have really been through a lot, but they look delicious! Sorry to hear about the state of your other summer produce though. That's disappointing.
We don't have a garden yet obviously, but I'm definitely going to try to plant some things when we move in. Your stories of gardening with kids have inspired me...so I'll probably be asking for lots of advice in the weeks to come!
That is about the same story with my flowers. Every May I head to homedepot pick up bucket loads of flowers for my planters,and then the Georgia hot sun kills them off by July because we are usually to busy enjoying the sun. Unfortunately, we can't do veggies because we have a wooded backyard, and would get kicked out of our neighborhood if I was to dig up our front yard for a garden. Boy would I like to though.
Have been away from the computer too much lately and missing checking the blog world, yours looks particularly delightful (love the photos of your trip to the UK), Dartmoor sigh.. beautiful!!!
We had some coming and going of plants, the sun is so intense here! We did not take on much what with only a small courtyard but the herb garden is doing well and the flowers seem to be bursting into colour, the jasmine and bougainvillaea vines growing at mad rates. . The kumquat tree happily blossoming again. Your tomatoes look delicious, am sure next summer you will have a heavy harvest of vegetables.
Only the tomatoes and herbs are thriving after our trip. . .wait. . . that's all I planted! After a bit of weeding and pruning, I'll get the other things back into shape.
Am thinking of a fall crop of some sort. . .
Have a great day!
Fruit and tomatoes have been good this year, but everything else has been so disappointing. thanks for your Ferragosto wishes, we had a great weekend, hope you did as well.
yum, those tomatoes look so juicy and delicious, my daughter loves these littlies.
No one here is getting tomatoes--we had seriously late snow. I'm glad this is the year I chose to forget about it.
I’ve been growing sunflowers in my garden this summer since sunflowers are perfect in total heat seasons. I also have tomatoes, eggplants and some cucumbers in the garden. I just hope that my cabbage will survive the total heat this summer.
It’s funny to think that I’ve started gardening with tomato plants only compared to your starting steps of gardening. I am happy that all of your veggies are doing well. My garden looks great also but got problems with pests in my cabbage. I just hope that they gone by next to days of spraying some fertilizers.
I also started my gardening "career" with tomatoes and peppers. But since then, I loved the way these two plants help me so until now I grow these two plants. But more than what I had before. Now I can make 20 jars of salsa every harvesting time and have still leftover for some salads and other recipes. LOL
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