A Stars Wars celebration for our favorite Jedi Dad inspired by our recent fascination/addiction to Star Wars Lego Wii (have I mentioned that we (ok,mostly me) have been staying up way too late playing this?). Noah spent most of the morning decorating the house with Stars Wars drawings and lego creations. Camille made some wonderful wrapping paper. And we all had fun making up a special birthday song using the Star Wars theme song. Happy Birthday, Adam...may the force be with you!
You are speaking my son's language now-- he LOVES the Lego SW game on wii... he talks about it incessantly, and all I hear is 'blah blah blah.' :)
May the happy birthday forces be with your dear hubby!!
Happy Birthday, Adam! And absolutely...may the force be with you!
That picture is SO GREAT :)
Happy Birthday from the rock (that's Okinawa in case you were unsure)! Great pic!
I love this! Great picture. Great theme. So fun. Happy birthday indeed.
i love that you like that game... isn't it wild how they combine all the interests of certain aged boys (lego+ star wars+ video games) into one all-encompassing item??!!
happy birthday to Adam!
ps- have you watched the lego star wars american pie wierd al video on you tube?
Sarah, that music video is so funny. I know a few guys who are going to love it when I show it to them.
And seriously, everyone should try this Stars Wars Lego Wii game...good for all sorts of things including PMS. Seriously!
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