Dear Family and Friends,
Our lives have been turned upside down in the last few days. We spent ten days in Taiwan finalizing Camille's adoption. Our trip was a wonderful adventure until the last two days.
Camille and I were bitten by a bug (probably a spider, possibly a brown recluse?). Camille's bite on the back of her head quickly became severely infected and she started having very high fevers. We went to the emergency room in Taipei where they told us she had an ear infection (despite the swollen area the size of an orange on the back of her head). Luckily we were scheduled to leave Taiwan the next day. After arriving in Okinawa we went immediatedly to the Naval Hospital where Camille was taken to the operating room. The surgeon removed the infected area from her scalp and she was placed on IV antibiotics. She was released from the hospital yesterday (Tuesday, May 30th) I also had to have the area of my bite surgically removed on Monday. A visit to the surgeon today revealed that Camille may need to return to the operating room if the healing does not progress at a quicker pace. We have had excellent care at the Naval Hospital and are grateful for the support of friends and neighbors here.
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. This has been a very scary situation for us and hopefully it will all be over very soon. On a happy note, Camille's adoption will be finalized tomorrow during one last visit to the U.S. Consulate in Naha. We feel so lucky to have her as our daughter and desperatedly want to see her make a quick recovery. We are really looking forward to our upcoming move to Florida and hope to see all of you very soon.
Lucia, Adam, Noah, and Camille
so sorry to miss camille is got bitten. I'm sure that she is well taken care of. I will keep you all in my prayers.
okay, I meant to write so sorry miss camille got bitten....
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