October List

October 26, 2018

Savoring:  Salt Fat Acid Heat
Podcasting: Heavyweight
Reading: The Bartimaeus Series
Obsessing: Kit Kats in Japan
Curating: Art Archipelago
Eating: Steak, Bok Choy, and Zucchini Stir Fry
Interviewing: Terry Gross
Watching: Isle of Dogs
Traveling: Culture Trip
Ravi Gandhi said...

The travel includes the starting place and the place where you want to reach. The distance between these two places can make your travel so much enjoyable. You can experience so many new things while covering this distance and reach your final destination with a lot of memories.

Sophia Grimes said...

Traveling and creating memories for a lifetime is my favorite hobby. And just like you, no trip of mine is complete without good food, good books and a great company.

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Anonymous said...


This is to inform the general public that there are lots of cryptocurrency investments scam out there, this investments scam promises you lots of profits return and it all turns out to be a scam, but here is good news to individuals who have been victims of this type of scam.

You could still recover your money back from the scammers, all you have to do is contact ⭐PYTHONAX⭐ and hope that the scammers still has your money.

⭐PYTHONAX ⭐ are a group of talented and experts on tracking down scammers, this is possible by using transaction history and identification info, website location to help scammed victims recover thier money back.

🚫 Some person might think or feel foung to the authorities after getting scammed is the best thing to do, while it might sound like a good idea, the authorities aren't really interested in internet scams especially when it not a scam that worth millions of dollars, and most times some authorities agencies aren't usually technology equipped to track down this scammers.

Don't be scared or shy to make contact with ⭐PYTHONAX⭐ as your identity isn't required and you can choose to be anonymous while you are been attended to. You will need to provide informations about the scam, informations that would help track down the scammers.

The informations required are simple stuffs like Means of contact with the scams (Emails, social media handles or phone numbers), transaction records (may or may not include screenshots) and details of the scam process used by the scammers.

⭐PYTHONAX⭐ can also help with other issues like-:
❌Buying and Selling scams.
❌Binary Options and Forex Scams.
❌Dating and Romance Scams.
❌identity Theft Scams.
✅Computer & Phone Hacks.
✅Social Media and Emails Hacks.
✅ Access to restricted websites, Files and Data.

Use the emails below for contact-:

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