Prague's Tower of Books

October 12, 2011

Created by Slovakian artist, Matej Kren 
Isn't it wonderful?
Melissa said...

Very much so. :-)

Sue said...

Wow! Very cool... but, what if I want to read one that's on the bottom? ;o)

se7en said...

Simply amazing!!!

Juniper said...

Yes! What a cool idea, no easy feat I imagine and so neat to be able to peek inside!

Dana said...

I hope you find some answers to all of your questions soon. That would drive me just a bit to the edge, the period of waiting. Best wishes.

Hausfrau said...

Pretty wonderful!

Lucia said...

that is so cool!

likeschocolate said...

Pretty cool! Thanks for sharing!

Karla said...

What a display! Just one more reason why I need to go to Prague.

Laurel said...

Very cool and memorable!

Sophie said...

Very cool! Is it there permanently? And how do the books stay together?

Sonja said...

Are they glued together? Or might it tip over?

Terumi said...

I'm curious how they stick together too! So neat:)

Lisa said...

What a clever piece of art. It must have taken a very long time to construct - I can't even keep the pile of books on my bedside table from toppling over.

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

It is glued (my curious monkey boy couldn't resist checking it out very closely)! It seems to be a permanent installation and I think it has been there for awhile. If you are a book nut, be sure to add to your list of destinations in is fairly close to the main square and easy to pop in and out. We had a private tour guide who brought us here and I am so glad she did!

But now it has me thinking, wouldn't it be a fun project for reading week at school? a book tower constructed by kids, parents, teachers...

CPWH said...

Book pack rats around the world unite and make book towers in our homes and offices lol. Thanks for sharing this pic and the school project idea....perhaps for Dr. Seuss' Day or at family reading nights.

katy said...

This is soooo cool!! Wish we would have known about it when we were in Prague.

Joy said...

How many books are in this awesome tower?

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