This weekend we were thrilled to have some of our favorite friends visiting us from Sicily. It was such fun to catch up on a year's worth of news, gossip, and changes. It was also fun to see the girls all having a blast together with their fashion/dance/music shows in the basement and late night giggles.
In addition to catching up, we also attempted to squeeze in a bit of sight seeing so they could experience a slice of DC.
We kicked things off with a Friday night viewing of Peter Pan and Wendy at Imagination Stage. We are so lucky to have this amazing children's theater just a few blocks to our house. As soon as the girls discovered that we were attending a show, they hit the dress-up box, pulled out fancy shoes and got all gussied up. I loved watching them sashay and skip downtown on their way to the show! Highly recommend Peter and Wendy as an entertaining(and cool..the AC is always blasting in theater) summer treat.

Saturday was a very busy day for us in the city. Our first stop was the National Building Museum where the kids had fun building/playing in the various hands-on areas, but the real high light was their annual summer mini-golf course. We loved it last summer and this summer's course is equally as enjoyable and creative. Then off to the Mall to soak our feet in the National Gallery's fountain in the center of their sculpture garden (where we went iceskating this past winter), ride the carousel, eat ice cream, and take a quick tour of the dinos at the Natural History Museum. In addition to eating ice cream and fountain soaking, our misting water bottle was a big hit. Highly recommend one of those for your summer adventures, especially city sight seeing.

Sunday was also focused on water. We headed down to Georgetown and had a refreshing time at the Waterfront Park. The splash area is so well designed that all ages had a blast while cooling off in the summer heat. It is also in a beautiful location overlooking the Potomac River and the Kennedy Center. After everyone was sufficiently soaked, we walked along the waterfront and admired all of the boats, kayaks, ducks, and swimming dogs. We eventually wound our way over to Farmers, Fishers, Bakers where we gorged on their amazing Sunday Brunch: a seriously delicious and satisfying meal for all of us. The last stop of the day was the Lincoln Memorial. Just a quick viewing because everyone was pooped. Since I couldn't find parking, I actually dropped everyone off and drove around until they were ready to be picked up. It turned out to be a good decision because it is so much easier to load tired kids into a van that already has the air conditioning running! We didn't see everything in DC, but I think we did a pretty good job of keeping everyone happy, fairly cool, and entertained. It's nice to be in a city which has so many different options and fun to have visiting friends to share in the exploring.
If you are planning a trip to Washington, DC with kids be sure to check out these blogs and books: