We're taking off for the land of Peter Pan, Paddington, Mary Poppins, Harry Potter, Peter Cottontail, Alice, Merlin and so many more. Thank you for all of the great suggestions. If you are planning a trip to England any time soon, be sure to read the comments in both of the recent British planning posts. See you in a couple of weeks! Cheerio!
Wish I'd found your blog earlier. I live in England (love it!) having moved here from Canada 22 years ago. There are definitely some very cool things to do in London, but also outside London. The trick is to find what is best because there is soooo much to see.
Bits and pieces of daily life, nomadic rambles, pickled cravings, piles of books, and a furry dog. Cajun, Jewish, Taiwanese, American family on the move.
All of those wonderful characters in one place, sounds like an adventure to me. And that is a gorgeous photo! Have fun!
Enjoy! Looking forward to reading of your adventures!
Sounds like such fun!!! Have a great time!!!
YAY! Have so much fun!
Oh friend, have a glorious GLORIOUS time. I did SO love England. I'd love to go back with my kids sometime :)
Wish I'd found your blog earlier. I live in England (love it!) having moved here from Canada 22 years ago. There are definitely some very cool things to do in London, but also outside London.
The trick is to find what is best because there is soooo much to see.
Susan W
Enjoy your trip!! I hope you have a nice trip (stop through Brighton/Hove if you are near London.
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