Yesterday we celebrated Camille's 2nd Birthday! It was a perfect day. A beautiful sunnny day. Happy children chasing balloons, blowing bubbles,and exploring the birthday village (box houses built by Noah and Grandpa). Adults laughing and lounging in the sun.Camille and Isabelle
Sydney, Noah, Zoe, and JonathonA huge thank you to Xan for being such a good friend (thank you for skipping coffee to help me in those frantic last minutes...vacuum, food prep, etc.). Thank you to Sydney, Zoe, and Hayden for building a birthday house for Camille and helping her dress up for her party.The amazing butterfly cake (made by Duchess)
Bits and pieces of daily life, nomadic rambles, pickled cravings, piles of books, and a furry dog. Cajun, Jewish, Taiwanese, American family on the move.
Looks like you all had a great day!! What a fabulous cake!!
Wonderful photos as always.
Love, Mom
What fun!!! Happy birthday, little one!!
That cake is fantastic and I LOVE that last picture, of her little face in the window. PRICELESS!!
What a wonderful celebration! I love the cake and ESPECIALLY the box houses. Please give Camille lots of birthday wishes from us!
Tiff & co.
Happy Birthday to Camille!! Hope she had a wonderful time.
How sweet! Looks like a perfect party and a lovely cake. Happy Birthday Camille!
WOW, hard to believe Camille is 2 already! Happy Birthday little friend...from your forever cathwel buddies, chloe & emmi
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