Since I haven't been great about keeping a baby book for Camille, I am trying to keep track of things here. Hard to believe our sweet baby is growing up so quickly. Her newest achievements are clapping, waving, shaking her head, and pulling herself up on things. She now has six teeth (four on top and two on the bottom) and some funny baby bird hair (sticks straight up in little tufts).Her love for food continues to grow and she will roar at us if she isn't fed fast enough or if we dare eat anything in front of her without sharing. She has another round of hearing tests tomorrow which we are hoping she will pass. She has become very verbal in the past few weeks and trying to make more new sounds which is very encouraging to hear. She still loves her brother to death and is always eager to "help" him with his trains...although he doesn't always appreciate her deconstructive efforts.
Bits and pieces of daily life, nomadic rambles, pickled cravings, piles of books, and a furry dog. Cajun, Jewish, Taiwanese, American family on the move.
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